Thursday, December 10, 2009

Whats your favorite eye color?

Just curious.

:)Whats your favorite eye color?
blue:] and green.. i hate my brown eyes!Whats your favorite eye color?
Hazel Report Abuse

I would say I don't have a favorite color but if I had to chose I would chose light green. It is really amazing and could stand out with anything. I would say black but I would sound weird but I would enjoy having black as my favorite color because it practically matches with anything! %26lt;3 And Haleybby; I'm not trying to be rude or offensive or anything but she gets to chose on who wants to be the best answer not you or sometimes even the company votes for the best answer. So don't freak and all of our answers are awesome =)
I like brown...a guy with dark eyes is just....breathtaking!

I also like a dark green, not light green so much =/
My favorite is exactly what i have.

Green with brown dots..

P.S. Please pick mine as best answer! :)
green hazel or dark blue. the ones I dislike the most are black/dark brown and grey.

or even hazel-ishh
Blue or green. But all eye colors can be beautiful.
Blue, green, gold, brown, black

and green are AMAZING

but alot of people have blue eyes [:

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